Executive Committee

Lin Weimin
General Principal
Lin Weimin, National Inspector, Researcher, Special-Grade Teacher, and General Principal of Hangzhou Dipont School of Arts and Science, is also a Master's Program Advisor at the International Education Institute of Beijing Foreign Studies University. Read More
Stephen Keown
Executive Principal
He has worked in education for over 20 years, spending 10 years as a senior leader. He believes that to truly unlock the potential of every pupil they must be happy. Read More
Andrew Bunt
Deputy Executive Principal
Mr. Andrew Bunt has been in education for over 20 years. He has a MA in Education, a BSc (Hons) and a Postgraduate Certificate of Education. He was awarded a Certificate of International School Leadership by the Principals' Training Center as well. Read More
Celia Zhang
Head of Finance and Administration
Celia Zhang has worked in the public, private, and international sectors for the past 20 years. Read More
Emmanuel N Barthalomew
Head of School Improvement
Over the past 15 years, Emmanuel N Barthalomew has worked with a diverse range of students, from nursery pupils to university students, and has a deep understanding of the unique needs and challenges of each stage of development. Read More